Submitted papers must describe original work not previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. Papers must be submitted by the submission deadline. The submission deadline (31 October 2022 11:59pm AoE) is firm: late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances, and the deadline will not be extended.

Double-Blind Submission Requirement

All submitted papers must comply with the double-anonymous submission requirements.

Page Limits

The main body of each submitted paper is limited to 11 pages of technical content with additional pages permitted for the bibliography and acknowledgments only (i.e., references and acknowledgments do not count against the page limit).

Once a paper is accepted or shepherded, the page limit is increased to 12 pages of technical content, again with additional pages permitted for the bibliography and acknowledgments only. The additional space this provides must only be used for the purpose of addressing the reviewer’s comments; other un-solicited additions are not permitted.

Paper Formatresponse

Submissions must be formatted according to IEEE conference paper guidelines (10pt font, default margins, default line spacing). Please use one of the available IEEE templates. When using the LaTeX template, which is recommended, use the following document class declaration:


The TPC Chair reserves the right to require paper sources (e.g. Latex, Word, etc.) in order to check that formatting guidelines have been adhered to.

Important Dates

(All times are UTC-12, or “anywhere on earth,” unless otherwise stated.)

Main Conference
Submission Deadline October 31, 2023
Author Response PeriodJanuary 8-12, 2024
Author NotificationJanuary 20, 2024
Camera-Ready DeadlineMarch 9, 2024
Conference DateMay 13-16, 2024

Brief Presentation
Submission Deadline February 5, 2024
Author NotificationMarch 1, 2024
Camera-Ready DeadlineMarch 9, 2024

Artifacts Evaluation
RTAS NotificationJanuary 20, 2024
AE submission deadlineFebruary 15, 2024
AE notificationMarch 6, 2024
Camera-ready DeadlineMarch 9, 2024
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